Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Almost our One Year Anniversary!!!

Well we are just a few days away from officially being married for one year. This year has passed by so quickly--

We love married life- and we love each other!

Our latest addiction is playing Settlers of Catan, we like to play it online ( and also on a table with the board game. It is sooo much fun.

Lisa and I will be taking our second honeymoon in Dallas, TX then we will be attending Mary Kay Seminar this month.

I have been busy like a bee, literally, this week in the mornings. I have started yet another venture, hosta hybridizing, and I am very excited to see the results. This requires collecting pollen from one plant and placing it on the stigma of another. In other words I am pretending to be a bee. I like doing it but it takes about two hours every day in order to pollinate all the flowers that need to be pollinated. In the picture you can see little white tags hanging from a few of the flowers, those are the labels in order to tell me what plants were used to pollinate each flower.

This year I told Lisa that I would make her dress for Seminar and I did, I will post some pictures later. It is made out of yellow silk with a pink overlay, the overall appearance is a salmon pink. Beautiful. Of course somebody like Lisa doesn't need a gorgeous dress to look amazing.